Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MDC2_Update

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MDC2_Update

mdc2(3) OpenSSL mdc2(3)


MDC2, MDC2Init, MDC2Update, MDC2Final - MDC2 hash function



unsigned char *MDC2(const unsigned char *d, unsigned long n, unsigned char *md); void MDC2Init(MDC2CTX *c); void MDC2Update(MDC2CTX *c, const unsigned char *data, unsigned long len); void MDC2Final(unsigned char *md, MDC2CTX *c);


MDC2 is a method to construct hash functions with 128 bit output from block ciphers. These functions are an implementation of MDC2 with DES. MDC2() computes the MDC2 message digest of the nn bytes at dd and places it in mmdd (which must have space for MDC2DIGESTLENGTH == 16 bytes of output). If mmdd is NULL, the digest is placed in a static array. The following functions may be used if the message is not completely stored in memory: MDC2Init() initializes a MMDDCC22CCTTXX structure. MDC2Update() can be called repeatedly with chunks of the message to be hashed (lleenn bytes at ddaattaa). MDC2Final() places the message digest in mmdd, which must have space for MDC2DIGESTLENGTH == 16 bytes of output, and erases the MMDDCC22CCTTXX. Applications should use the higher level functions EVPDigestInit(3) etc. instead of calling the hash functions directly.


MDC2() returns a pointer to the hash value. MDC2Init(), MDC2Update() and MDC2Final() do not return values. CCOONNFFOORRMMIINNGG TTOO

ISO/IEC 10118-2, with DES


sha(3), EVPDigestInit(3) HISTORY MDC2(), MDC2Init(), MDC2Update() and MDC2Final() are available since SSLeay 0.8.

0.9.7l 2000-02-25 mdc2(3)

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