Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ExtUtils::Install

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ExtUtils::Install

ExtUtils::Install(3pm) Perl Programmers Reference Guide ExtUtils::Install(3pm)


ExtUtils::Install - install files from here to there


use ExtUtils::Install;

install({ 'blib/lib' => 'some/install/dir' } );


pmtoblib({ 'lib/Foo/' => 'blib/lib/Foo/' });


Handles the installing and uninstalling of perl modules, scripts, man pages, etc...

Both install() and uninstall() are specific to the way ExtUtils::Make-

Maker handles the installation and deinstallation of perl modules. They are not designed as general purpose tools. FFuunnccttiioonnss iinnssttaallll


install(\%fromto, $verbose, $dontexecute, $uninstallshadows);

Copies each directory tree of %fromto to its corresponding value

preserving timestamps and permissions. There are two keys with a special meaning in the hash: "read" and "write". These contain packlist files. After the copying is done,

install() will write the list of target files to $fromto{write}.

If $fromto{read} is given the contents of this file will be merged

into the written file. The read and the written file may be identi-

cal, but on AFS it is quite likely that people are installing to a different directory than the one where the files later appear.

If $verbose is true, will print out each file removed. Default is

false. This is "make install VERBINST=1"

If $dontexecute is true it will only print what it was going to do

without actually doing it. Default is false.

If $uninstallshadows is true any differing versions throughout

@INC will be uninstalled. This is "make install UNINST=1" iinnssttaallllddeeffaauulltt DISCOURAGED installdefault();


Calls install() with arguments to copy a module from blib/ to the default site installation location.

$fullext is the name of the module converted to a directory (ie.

Foo::Bar would be Foo/Bar). If $fullext is not specified, it will

attempt to read it from @ARGV. This is primarily useful for install scripts.

NNOOTTEE This function is not really useful because of the hard-coded

install location with no way to control site vs core vs vendor directories and the strange way in which the module name is given. Consider its use discouraged. uunniinnssttaallll


uninstall($packlistfile, $verbose, $dontexecute);

Removes the files listed in a $packlistfile.

If $verbose is true, will print out each file removed. Default is


If $dontexecute is true it will only print what it was going to do

without actually doing it. Default is false. ppmmttoobblliibb

pmtoblib(\%fromto, $autosplitdir);

pmtoblib(\%fromto, $autosplitdir, $filtercmd);

Copies each key of %fromto to its corresponding value efficiently.

Filenames with the extension .pm are autosplit into the

$autosplitdir. Any destination directories are created.

$filtercmd is an optional shell command to run each .pm file

through prior to splitting and copying. Input is the contents of the module, output the new module contents. You can have an environment variable PERLINSTALLROOT set which

will be prepended as a directory to each installed file (and direc-

tory). ENVIRONMENT PPEERRLLIINNSSTTAALLLLRROOOOTT Will be prepended to each install path. AUTHOR

Original author lost in the mists of time. Probably the same as Make-

maker. Currently maintained by Michael G Schwern "" Send patches and ideas to "". Send bug reports via Please send your generated Makefile along with your report.

For more up-to-date information, see .

LLIICCEENNSSEE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See

perl v5.8.8 2001-09-21 ExtUtils::Install(3pm)

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