Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ConsoleMessage

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man ConsoleMessage

ConsoleMessage(8) BSD System Manager's Manual ConsoleMessage(8)


CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee - Send a message to SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr


CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] message

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -SS

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -FF

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -ss service

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -ff service

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -qq setting

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -bb path

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee [-vv] -uu


The CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee utility may be used by startup item scripts to send messages to SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr (see SystemStarter(8)). The default behavior is to send the specified message to SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr to be displayed on the console. SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr will attempt to localize the string using the current startup item's localization dictionaries.

CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee may also be used to give feedback to SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr indi-

cating which services provided by the startup item have succeeded or failed. OOPPTTIIOONNSS

-vv verbose mode (prints errors to stdout)

-SS mark all services provided by this item as successful

-FF mark all services provided by this item as failed

-ss mark the service as successful

-ff mark the service as failed

-qq query SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr for the value of the configuration variable

setting (result will be printed to stdout).

-bb Tell SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr to load the display bundle at the specified


-uu Tell SSyysstteemmSSttaarrtteerr to unload the current display bundle

NNOOTTEESS When a service name is not specified, CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee assumes its parent process identification (see getppid(2)) is that of a startup item script, and uses that token to find the correct list of services provided by the current item. If the process calling CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee is not a startup item script, it is necessary to explicitly provide service names.


SystemStarter(8) HISTORY The CCoonnssoolleeMMeessssaaggee utility appeared in Darwin 6.0 Darwin April 12, 2002 Darwin

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