Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Apache::TestReport

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Apache::TestReport

Apache::TestReport(3) User Contributed Perl DocumentationApache::TestReport(3)


Apache::TestReport - A parent class for generating bug/success reports


use Apache::TestReport;


DDeessccrriippttiioonn This class is used to generate a bug or a success report, providing information about the system the code was running on. Overridable Methods ccoonnffiigg return the information about user's system rreeppoorrttttoo return a string containing the email address the report should be sent to ppoossttiittnnoottee return a string to close the report with, e.g.:

my($to, $where) = split '@', $self->reportto;

return < $to $where. To subscribe to the list send an empty

email to $to-subscribe\@$where.

perl v5.8.8 2005-10-20 Apache::TestReport(3)

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