Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Apache2::Command

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Apache2::Command



Apache2::Command - Perl API for accessing Apache module command

information SSyynnooppssiiss use Apache2::Module ();

use Apache2::Command ();

my $module = Apache2::Module::findlinkedmodule('modperl.c');

for (my $cmd = $module->cmds; $cmd; $cmd = $cmd->next) {





} DDeessccrriippttiioonn

"Apache2::Command" provides the Perl API for accessing Apache module

command information AAPPII

"Apache2::Command" provides the following functions and/or methods:

""aarrggsshhooww"" What the command expects as arguments:

$how = $cmd->argshow();

obj: $cmd ( "Apache2::Command object" )

ret: $how ( "Apache2::Const :cmdhow constant" )

The flag value representing the type of this command (i.e. "Apache2::Const::ITERATE", "Apache2::Const::TAKE2"). since: 2.0.00 ""eerrrrmmssgg"" Get usage message for that command, in case of syntax errors:

$error = $cmd->errmsg();

obj: $cmd ( "Apache2::Command object" )

ret: $error ( string )

The error message since: 2.0.00 ""nnaammee"" Get the name of this command:

$name = $cmd->name();

obj: $cmd ( "Apache2::Command object" )

ret: $name ( string )

The command name since: 2.0.00 ""nneexxtt"" Get the next command in the chain of commands for this module:

$next = $cmd->next();

obj: $cmd ( "Apache2::Command object" )

ret: $next ( "Apache2::Command object" )

Returns the next command in the chain for this module, "undef" for the last command. since: 2.0.00 ""rreeqqoovveerrrriiddee"" What overrides need to be allowed to enable this command:

$override = $cmd->reqoverride

obj: $cmd ( "Apache2::Command object" )

ret: $override ( "Apache2::Const :override constant" )

The bit mask representing the overrides this command is allowed in (i.e "Apache2::Const::ORALL"/"Apache2::Const::ACCESSCONF"). since: 2.0.00 For example:

use Apache2::Const -compile => qw(:override);

$cmd->reqoverride() & Apache2::Const::ORAUTHCFG;

$cmd->reqoverride() & Apache2::Const::ORLIMIT;

SSeeee AAllssoo modperl 2.0 documentation. CCooppyyrriigghhtt modperl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. AAuutthhoorrss The modperl development team and numerous contributors.

perl v5.a8p.a8chemodperl-101.1~2::mo2d00p5e-r1l0-22.00.2::docs::api::Apache2::Command(3)

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