Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Alien::wxWidgets

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Alien::wxWidgets

Alien::wxWidgets(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Alien::wxWidgets(3)


Alien::wxWidgets - building, finding and using wxWidgets binaries


use Alien::wxWidgets ;

my $version = Alien::wxWidgets->version;

my $config = Alien::wxWidgets->config;

my $compiler = Alien::wxWidgets->compiler;

my $linker = Alien::wxWidgets->linker;

my $includepath = Alien::wxWidgets->includepath;

my $defines = Alien::wxWidgets->defines;

my $cflags = Alien::wxWidgets->cflags;

my $linkflags = Alien::wxWidgets->linkflags;

my $libraries = Alien::wxWidgets->libraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

my @libraries = Alien::wxWidgets->linklibraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

my @implib = Alien::wxWidgets->importlibraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

my @shrlib = Alien::wxWidgets->sharedlibraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

my @keys = Alien::wxWidgets->librarykeys; # 'gl', 'adv', ...

my $librarypath = Alien::wxWidgets->sharedlibrarypath;

my $key = Alien::wxWidgets->key;

my $prefix = Alien::wxWidgets->prefix;


Please see Alien for the manifesto of the Alien namespace.

In short "Alien::wxWidgets" can be used to detect and get configuration

settings from an installed wxWidgets. MMEETTHHOODDSS llooaadd//iimmppoorrtt

use Alien::wxWidgets version => 2.004 | [ 2.004, 2.005 ],

compilerkind => 'gcc' | 'cl', # Windows only

compilerversion => '3.3', # only GCC for now

toolkit => 'gtk2', debug => 0 | 1, unicode => 0 | 1, mslu => 0 | 1,

key => $key,


Alien::wxWidgets->load( );

Using "Alien::wxWidgets" without parameters will load a default

configuration (for most people this will be the only installed confiuration). Additional parameters allow to be more selective. If there is no matching configuration the method will "die()".

In case no arguments are passed in the "use", "Alien::wxWidgets" will

try to find a reasonable default configuration. Please note that when the version is pecified as "version =" 2.004> it means "any version >= 2.004" while when specified as "version =" [ 2.004, 2.005 ]> it means "any version => 2.004 and < 2.005". kkeeyy

my $key = Alien::wxWidgets key;

Returns an unique key that can be used to reload the currently-loaded

configuration. vveerrssiioonn

my $version = Alien::wxWidgets->version;

Returns the wxWidgets version for this "Alien::wxWidgets" installation

in the form MAJOR + MINOR / 1000 + RELEASE / 1000000 e.g. 2.006002 for wxWidgets 2.6.2 and 2.004 for wxWidgets 2.4.0. ccoonnffiigg

my $config = Alien::wxWidgets->config;

Returns some miscellaneous configuration informations for wxWidgets in the form { toolkit => 'msw' | 'gtk' | 'motif' | 'x11' | 'cocoa' | 'mac', debug => 1 | 0, unicode => 1 | 0, mslu => 1 | 0, } iinncclluuddeeppaatthh

my $includepath = Alien::wxWidgets->includepath;

Returns the include paths to be used in a format suitable for the

compiler (usually something like "-I/usr/local/include



my $defines = Alien::wxWidgets->defines;

Returns the compiler defines to be used in a format suitable for the

compiler (usually something like "-DWXDEBUG -DFOO=bar").


my $cflags = Alien::wxWidgets->cflags;

Returns additional compiler flags to be used. ccoommppiilleerr

my $compiler = Alien::wxWidgets->compiler;

Returns the (C++) compiler used for compiling wxWidgets. lliinnkkeerr

my $linker = Alien::wxWidgets->linker;

Returns a linker suitable for linking C++ binaries. lliinnkkffllaaggss

my $linkflags = Alien::wxWidgets->linkflags;

Returns additional link flags. lliibbrraarriieess

my $libraries = Alien::wxWidgets->libraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

Returns link flags for linking the libraries passed as arguments. This usually includes some search path specification in addition to the libraries themselves. The caller is responsible for the correct order of the libraries. lliinnkklliibbrraarriieess

my @libraries = Alien::wxWidgets->linklibraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

Returns a list of linker flags that can be used to link the libraries passed as arguments. iimmppoorrttlliibbrraarriieess

my @implib = Alien::wxWidgets->importlibraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

Windows specific. Returns a list of import libraries corresponding to the libraries passed as arguments. sshhaarreeddlliibbrraarriieess

my @shrlib = Alien::wxWidgets->sharedlibraries( qw(gl adv core base) );

Returns a list of shared libraries corresponding to the libraries passed as arguments. lliibbrraarryykkeeyyss

my @keys = Alien::wxWidgets->librarykeys;

Returns a list of keys that can be passed to "sharedlibraries", "importlibraries" and "linklibraries". lliibbrraarryyppaatthh

my $librarypath = Alien::wxWidgets->sharedlibrarypath;

Windows specific. Returns the path at which the private copy of wxWidgets libraries has been installed. pprreeffiixx

my $prefix = Alien::wxWidgets->prefix;

Returns the install prefix for wxWidgets. sshhoowwccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss

Alien::wxWidgets->showconfigurations( %filters );

Prints a list of available configurations (mainly useful for interactive use/debugging). ggeettccoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss

my $configs = Alien::wxWidgets->getconfigurations( %filters );

Returns a list of configurations matching the given filters. AUTHOR Mattia Barbon LLIICCEENNSSEE


Copyright (c) 2005, 2006 Mattia Barbon This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself inc/bin/patch was taken from the Perl Power Tools distributions Copyright (c) 1999 Moogle Stuffy Software You may play with this software in accordance with the Perl Artistic License. You may use this documentation under the auspices of the GNU General Public License. inc/bin/patch.exe was downloaded from ad is copyrighted by its authors. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA

02111-1307 USA

bundled files from CPAN inc/File/Fetch/ inc/File/ inc/File/Spec/ inc/IPC/ inc/Locale/Maketext/ inc/Module/Load/ inc/Module/ inc/Params/ inc/Archive/ Are copyright their respective authors an can be used according to the license specified in their CPAN distributions.

perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 Alien::wxWidgets(3)

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