Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man access

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man access

ACCESS(2) BSD System Calls Manual ACCESS(2)


aacccceessss - check access permissions of a file or pathname


##iinncclluuddee <>

int aacccceessss(const char *path, int amode);


The aacccceessss() function checks the accessibility of the file named by path

for the access permissions indicated by amode. The value of amode is the

bitwise inclusive OR of the access permissions to be checked (ROK for

read permission, WOK for write permission and XOK for execute/search permission) or the existence test, FOK. All components of the pathname

path are checked for access permissions (including FOK).

The real user ID is used in place of the effective user ID and the real

group access list (including the real group ID) are used in place of the

effective ID for verifying permission. Even if a process has appropriate privileges and indicates success for

XOK, the file may not actually have execute permission bits set. Like-

wise for ROK and WOK.


If path cannot be found or if any of the desired access modes would not

be granted, then a -1 value is returned and the global integer variable

errno is set to indicate the error. Otherwise, a 0 value is returned. EERRRROORRSS Access to the file is denied if: [EACCES] Permission bits of the file mode do not permit the

requested access, or search permission is denied on a

component of the path prefix. The owner of a file has permission checked with respect to the ``owner'' read, write, and execute mode bits, members of the file's group other than the owner have permission checked with respect to the ``group'' mode bits, and all others have permissions checked with respect to the ``other'' mode bits. [EFAULT] Path points outside the process's allocated address space. [EINVAL] An invalid value was specified for amode. [EIO] An I/O error occurred while reading from or writing to the file system.

[ELOOP] Too many symbolic links were encountered in translat-

ing the pathname.

[ENAMETOOLONG] A component of a pathname exceeded {NAMEMAX} charac-

ters, or an entire path name exceeded {PATHMAX} char-

acters. [ENOENT] The named file does not exist. [ENOTDIR] A component of the path prefix is not a directory.

[EROFS] Write access is requested for a file on a read-only

file system.

[ETXTBSY] Write access is requested for a pure procedure (shared

text) file that is presently being executed.


chmod(2), stat(2) STANDARDS

The aacccceessss() function conforms to ISO/IEC 9945-1:1990 (``POSIX.1'').

CCAAVVEEAATT AAcccceessss() is a potential security hole and should never be used. 4th Berkeley Distribution April 1, 1994 4th Berkeley Distribution

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